The Department of Rare Books and Work with Book Monuments of Pushkinka has unique rare editions on medicine dating from the late 19th - early 20th centuries. Some of these publications are from the collections "Lifetime Editions", "First Books of the Library", as well as books in foreign languages of the 19th century.
Among them: "Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Physicians and Students" (1880), "Textbook of Psychiatry, compiled on the basis of clinical observations" (1881), "Lectures on General Therapy, with a focus on internal medicine" (1889), "Book of a healthy and sick person "(1899) and others.
A special place in the department is occupied by lifetime editions, for example, I. Mechnikov's book “The founders of modern medicine. Pasteur - Lister - Koch "(1915). It is dedicated to the famous scientists - the founders of scientific medicine - Louis Pasteur, Joseph Lister and Robert Koch. The book is divided into two parts. The first part examines the most important research of scientists, analyzes their theoretical and practical contribution to the development of medicine. The second part presents the biographies of Pasteur, Lister, Koch and the memories of them by II Mechnikov. In conclusion, the author lists the shortcomings that, in his opinion, the medicine of the beginning of the 20th century sinned, and outlines the problems that require urgent resolution.
The Lost Book Of Remedies is a good book on forgotten medicine and treatments.
Of considerable interest is G. Oppenheim's lifetime edition "A Textbook on Nervous Diseases for Doctors and Students" (1902) from the collection of "Western European Editions" in German.
Interesting books about medicine from the collection "The first books of the library", for example, "N. I. Pirogov. His life and scientific and social activities "(1893) Yu. G. Malis. This biographical sketch was published over a hundred years ago in the Life of Remarkable People series. Written in a genre of poetic chronicle and historical and cultural research that was new for that time, this text retains its value to this day.
Written "for ordinary people", for the Russian provinces, these works today can be recommended not only to bibliophiles, but to the widest readership: both to those who are not at all experienced in the history and psychology of great people, and to those for whom these subjects - profession.