Bank loans for support and development of small businesses on favorable terms. Allows entrepreneurs and small businesses to implement their business projects. Individual approach.
Online service offers concessional loans to small businesses on favorable terms . Fast review, flexible provisioning.
Benefits of Small Business Lending
- Favorable interest rates
- Short terms of consideration of applications
- Opening a current account is possible after the Bank makes a decision on lending
- Flexible approach to loan security
- Possibility to issue a guarantee of the Fund for Assistance to Small Business Lending in Moscow
Small business loan conditions and security
Purpose of the loan
Any business related goals, including:
- Replenishment of working capital;
- Purchase of fixed assets;
- Purchase of commercial real estate.
Loan grant form
Lending is carried out by a one-time credit of the loan amount to the current account of the borrower.
Amount and currency
The loan is issued in rubles and foreign currency (euros, US dollars). Loan amount - from 15,000,000 to 50,000,000 rubles.
Loan terms
Loans are issued for up to 60 months.
Loan cost
Interest rates are set individually for each borrower. When determining the interest rate, we take into account the financial situation of the applicant, the size and quality of the collateral provided by him.
Loan repayment procedure
(for loans and credit lines with an issue limit)
- Annuity payments;
- Individual / flexible schedule (with the condition of obligatory repayment of the loan body on a monthly basis);
- Monthly in equal installments;
- The deferral of repayment of the principal debt is no more than 9 months.
Borrower requirements
- The minimum period of activity is 12 months from the date of business foundation.
- Stable stream of income (revenue) / no unmotivated losses.
- Availability of inventories / assets on the balance sheet.
- No overdue debts to banks and other creditors.
Loans can be issued to private entrepreneurs.
We take a flexible approach to the issue of collateral for loans. The following can be accepted as collateral:
- Non-residential and residential real estate
- Road transport
- Equipment, mechanisms, machines, technological lines
- Finished products, goods, materials in circulation
- Securities
In addition, we accept personal guarantees from business owners, top managers, as well as third companies. A combination of pledges and sureties is allowed.
Loan issue term
Terms of consideration of a loan application from 3 to 10 days.